In the previous section we discussed linearization of a function, and recalled the linearization of a differentiable function of one real variable using the derivative of such a function at a point $x=a$.
\definecolor{brightblue}{rgb}{.267, .298, .812}
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\newcommand{\pypx}[2][x]{\dfrac{\partial #2}{\partial #1}}
\newcommand{\dydx}[2][x]{\dfrac{d #2}{d #1}}
\newcommand{\deltax}[2][x]{\frac{\Delta #2}{\Delta #1}}
\Delta y = f'(a)(x - a) = f'(a)\Delta x
Dividing both sides by $\Delta x$ gives us
f'(a) \approx \deltax{y} = \dfrac{y - f(a)}{x - a}
In fact the definition of the derivative of function $f$ and $x=a$ is often given by
f'(a) = L = \displaystyle\lim_{x\rightarrow a} \dfrac{y - f(a)}{x-a}
Using the formal definition of limit we have that for every $\varepsilon \gt 0$, there is a $\delta \gt 0$ so that $|x-a|<\delta$ implies
\left|\,\dfrac{y - f(a)}{x-a} - L\,\right| < \varepsilon
We can rewrite this equation
\left| y - f(a) \right| - L|x-a| &\le \left| y - f(a) - L|x-a| \right| \lt \varepsilon|x-a| \\
\left| y - f(a) \right| &\lt \varepsilon|x-a| + L|x-a| \\
\Delta z &= L\Delta x + \varepsilon\Delta x
This means that function $f$ is differentiable at $x=a$ if and only if there exists a limit value $L$ such that
\Delta z = L\Delta x + \varepsilon\Delta x,
where $\varepsilon(x)\rightarrow 0$ as $\Delta x\rightarrow 0$. Notice that $\varepsilon$ is a function of $x$ and the value of $\varepsilon(x)\rightarrow 0$ as $x\rightarrow a$. However the function $\varepsilon(x)$ does not need to have a value at the point $x=a$. If not, then this is a removable discontinuity and we may define $\varepsilon(a)=0$. This means that we may take the function $\varepsilon(x)$ to be continuous at $x=a$, and $\varepsilon(a)=0$.
If such a limit $L$ exists, then we define $L$ to be $f'(a)$, the derivative of function $f$ at $a$.
Let us review the
Chain Rule
for a function of one real variable. The chain rule governs computing derivatives of the
of functions. If $y = f(x)$ and $x = g(t)$, then the composition of $f$ and $g$ yields $y = f\left(g(t)\right) = (f\circ g)(t)$. This new function $f\circ g$ is the composition function. If functions $f$ and $g$ are differentiable one may compute the derivative $\frac{dy}{dt} = \frac{d}{dt}(f\circ g)(t)$ using the chain rule
\dydx[t]{y} = \dydx[x]{f}\dydx[t]{x}
Suppose $y = \sqrt{x}$ and $x = t^2 + 1$. Then $y = \sqrt{t^2 + 1}$ and
\dydx[t]{y} = \dydx{y}\dydx[t]{x} = \left(\dfrac{1}{2}x^{-1/2}\right)\left(2t\right) = \left(\dfrac{1}{2\sqrt{x}}\right)\left(2t\right) = \dfrac{t}{\sqrt{t^2+1}}
Different versions of the chain rule are used to differentiate functions of more than one variable. Each version gives a rule for differentiating a composition of functions.
Definition ¶
Differentiability for a Function of Two Variables
A function $z = f(x,y)$ is differentiable at $(a,b)$ if $\Delta z$ can be expressed in the form
$$ \begin{align*} \Delta z &= f_x(a,b)\Delta x + f_y(a,b)\Delta y + \varepsilon_1\Delta x + \varepsilon_2\Delta y \\ \\ &= \left(f_x(a,b) + \varepsilon_1\right)\Delta x + \left(f_y(a,b) + \varepsilon_2\Delta y\right) \end{align*} $$
where $\varepsilon_1$ and $\varepsilon_2\ \rightarrow 0$ as $(\Delta x, \Delta y)\rightarrow(0,0)$.
Notice the similarity of this definition of differentiability and the definition used above for a function of one variable. The continuity of the partial derivatives is also important. Furthermore the derivative must converge from all possible directions and along all possible paths on the plane to the point $(a,b)$. Finally the two limits $f_x(a,b)\Delta x + \varepsilon_1\Delta x$ and $f_y(a,b)\Delta y + \varepsilon_2\Delta y$ may not converge at the same rate. Thus we need two different limit functions $\varepsilon_1$ and $\varepsilon_2$.
As in the one dimensional case we may take $\varepsilon_1(x,y)$ and $\varepsilon_2(x,y)$ to both be continuous on a disc containing the point $(a,b)$, and $\varepsilon_1(a,b) = \varepsilon_2(a,b) = 0$.
This definition and the continuity of the partial derivatives ensures differentiability.
Theorem 14.5.1 ¶
If the partial derivatives $f_x$ and $f_y$ exist on a disc containing point $(a,b)$ and both partial derivatives are continuous at $(a,b)$, then the function $f$ is differentiable at $(a,b)$.
Theorem 14.5.2 ¶
The Chain Rule for a Function of Two Variables (Case 1)
Suppose that $z = f(x,y)$ is a differentiable function of $x$ and $y$, where $x=g(t)$ and $y=h(t)$ are both differentiable functions of $t$. Then $z$ is a differentiable function of $t$ and
$$ \dydx[t]{z} = \pypx{f}\dydx[t]{x} + \pypx[y]{f}\dydx[t]{y} $$Proof ¶
A change $\Delta t$ in $t$ produces a change in both $\Delta x$ in $x$ and $\Delta y$ in $y$. This in turn produces a change $\Delta z$ in $z$. Since $f$ is differentiable at $(a,b)$ we have
\Delta z = \pypx{f}\Delta x + \pypx[y]{f}\Delta y + \varepsilon_1\Delta x + \varepsilon_2\Delta y
where functions $\varepsilon_1$ and $\varepsilon_2$ are continuous on a disc containing the point $(a,b)$, $\varepsilon_1(a,b) = \varepsilon_2(a,b) = 0$, and the two dimensional limit
\displaystyle\lim_{(x,y)\rightarrow(a,b)} \varepsilon_1(x,y) = \displaystyle\lim_{(x,y)\rightarrow(a,b)} \varepsilon_2(x,y) = 0
Dividing both sides of our definition of differentiability by $\Delta t$ yields
\deltax[t]{z} = \pypx{f}\deltax[t]{x} + \pypx[y]{f}\deltax[t]{y} + \varepsilon_1\deltax[t]{x} + \varepsilon_2\deltax[t]{y}
Remember that differentiable functions are also continuous. Thus $x = f(t)$ and $y = g(t)$ differentiable implies that they are also continuous. Since
\Delta x &= g(t + \Delta t) - g(t) \\
\Delta y &= h(t + \Delta t) - h(t)
we have that
\displaystyle\lim_{\Delta t\rightarrow 0}\Delta x &= \displaystyle\lim_{\Delta t\rightarrow 0} g(t + \Delta t) - g(t) = 0 \\ \\
\displaystyle\lim_{\Delta t\rightarrow 0}\Delta y &= \displaystyle\lim_{\Delta t\rightarrow 0} h(t + \Delta t) - h(t) = 0 \\
because $f$ and $g$ are continuous at $t$. Thus $\varepsilon_1$ and $\varepsilon_2\rightarrow 0$ as $\Delta t\rightarrow 0$ because $\Delta x$ and $\Delta y\rightarrow 0$. Also
\displaystyle\lim_{\Delta t\rightarrow 0}\deltax[t]{x} &= \displaystyle\lim_{\Delta t\rightarrow 0}\dfrac{g(t + \Delta t) - g(t)}{\Delta t} = \dydx[t]{x} = f'(t) \\ \\
\displaystyle\lim_{\Delta t\rightarrow 0}\deltax[t]{y} &= \displaystyle\lim_{\Delta t\rightarrow 0}\dfrac{h(t + \Delta t) - h(t)}{\Delta t} = \dydx[t]{y} = g'(t) \\
because $g$ and $h$ are differentiable at $t$. Hence
\dydx[t]{z} &= \displaystyle\lim_{\Delta t\rightarrow 0}\ \pypx{f}\deltax[t]{x} + \pypx[y]{f} \deltax[t]{y} + \varepsilon_1\deltax[t]{x} + \varepsilon_2\deltax[t]{y} \\
&= \pypx{f}\dydx[t]{x} + \pypx[y]{f}\dydx[t]{y} + 0\dydx[t]{x} + 0\dydx[t]{y} \\
&= \pypx{f}\dydx[t]{x} + \pypx[y]{f}\dydx[t]{y}
Suppose that $z = f(x,y)$ is the surface defined by $z = xy^3 + 2x^3y$, where $x(t) = \cos(t)$ and $y(t) = \sin(t)$. The curve on the surface defined by $z = f\left(\cos(t),\sin(t)\right)$ is differentiable on the interval $[0,2\pi]$ because the two partial derivatives are continuous and the coordinate functions are continuous. Furthermore
\dfrac{\partial}{\partial t}\,f\left(x(t),y(t)\right) &= \dfrac{dz}{dt} = \left(y^3 + 6x^2y\right)\left(-\sin(t)\right) + \left(3xy^2 + 2x^3\right)\left(\cos(t)\right) \\
&= -\left(\sin^3(t) + 6\cos^2(t)\sin(t)\right)\sin(t) + \left(3\cos(t)\sin^2(t) + 2\cos^3(t)\right)\cos(t) \\
&= -\sin^4(t) - 6\cos^2(t)\sin^2(t) + 3\cos^2(t)\sin^2(t) + 2\cos^4(t) \\
&= 2\cos^4(t) - 3\cos^2(t)\sin^2(t) - \sin^4(t) \\
f'(x(0),y(0)) &= \left.\dfrac{dz}{dt}\right|_{t=0} = 2\cos^4(0) - 3\cos^2(0)\sin^2(0) - \sin^4(0) = 2
This derivative can be interpreted as the instantaneous rate of change of $z$ with respect to $t$ as the point $(x,y)=\left(\cos(t),\sin(t)\right)$ moves along the curve $C$ on the surface $z = xy^3 + 2x^3y$. This curve has the parametric equations
x &= \cos(t) \\
y &= \sin(t) \\
z &= \cos(t)\sin^3(t) + 2\cos^3(t)\sin(t)
Consider the function $z = \sec(x + 2y)$, where $x(t) = t^2$ and $y(t) = \frac{1}{t}$. Compute $\dfrac{dz}{dt}$.
Theorem 14.5.3 ¶
The Chain Rule for a Function of Two Variables (Case 2)
Suppose that $z = f(x,y)$ is a differentiable function of $x$ and $y$, $x = g(s,t)$, and $y = h(s,t)$ are differentiable functions of $s$ and $t$. Consider such a change of variables
$$ z = f(x,y) = f(x(s,t), y(s,t)) = \tilde{f}(s,t) $$
The two first order partial derivatives are given by
$$ \pypx[s]{z} = \pypx{z}\pypx[s]{x}{s} + \pypx[y]{z}\pypx[s]{y},\qquad\qquad \pypx[t]{z} = \pypx{z}\pypx[t]{x} + \pypx[y]{z}\pypx[t]{y} $$
Consider $z = x^3 + xy^2$, $x = r\cos(\theta)$, and $y = r\sin(\theta)$.
z &= \left(r\cos(\theta)\right)^3 + r\cos(\theta)\left(r\sin(\theta)\right)^2 \\ \\
&= r^3\cos^3(\theta) + r^3\cos(\theta)\sin^2(\theta) \\ \\
&= r^3\cos(\theta)\left(\cos^2(\theta) + \sin^2(\theta)\right) \\ \\
&= r^3\cos(\theta) \\
\pypx{z} &= 3x^2 + y^2 \\
\pypx[y]{z} &= 2xy \\
\pypx[r]{z} &= \pypx{z}\pypx[r]{x} + \pypx[y]{z}\pypx[r]{y} \\ \\
&= \left(3x^2 + y^2\right)\cos(\theta) + \left(2xy\right)\sin(\theta) \\ \\
&= \left(3r^2\cos^2(\theta) + r^2\sin^2(\theta)\right)\cos(\theta) + \left(2r^2\cos(\theta)\sin(\theta)\right)\sin(\theta) \\ \\
&= \left(2r^2\cos^2(\theta) + r^2\cos^2(\theta) + r^2\sin^2(\theta)\right)\cos(\theta) + 2r^2\cos(\theta)\sin^2(\theta) \\ \\
&= 2r^2\cos^3(\theta) + r^2\cos(\theta) + 2r^2\cos(\theta)\sin^2(\theta) \\ \\
&= 2r^2\cos(\theta)\left(\cos^2(\theta) + \sin^2(\theta)\right) + r^2\cos(\theta) \\ \\
&= 2r^2\cos(\theta) + r^2\cos(\theta) \\ \\
&= 3r^2\cos(\theta) \\
\pypx[\theta]{z} &= \pypx{z}\pypx[\theta]{x} + \pypx[y]{z}\pypx[\theta]{y} \\ \\
&= \left(3x^2 + y^2\right)\left(-r\sin(\theta)\right) + \left(2xy\right)r\cos(\theta) \\ \\
&= -r\left(3r^2\cos^2(\theta) + r^2\sin^2(\theta)\right)\sin(\theta) + 2r^3\cos^2(\theta)\sin(\theta) \\ \\
&= -r^3\left(2\cos^2(\theta) + \cos^2(\theta) + \sin^2(\theta)\right)\sin(\theta) + 2r^3\cos^2(\theta)\sin(\theta) \\ \\
&= -r^3\left(2\cos^2(\theta)\sin(\theta) + \sin(\theta)\right) + 2r^3\cos^2(\theta)\sin(\theta) \\ \\
&= -2r^3\cos^2(\theta)\sin(\theta) - r^3\sin(\theta) + 2r^3\cos^2(\theta)\sin(\theta) \\ \\
&= -r^3\sin(\theta)
In this example the partial derivatives $\pypx[r]{z}$ and $\pypx[\theta]{z}$ can be easily checked using $z(r,\theta)$ above.
Consider the function $z = x^2y^3$, where $x = s+t$ and $y = s-t$. Compute $\pypx[s]{z}$ and $\pypx[t]{z}$.
Theorem 14.5.4 ¶
The General Chain Rule
Suppose that $u$ is a differentiable function of $n$ variables $x_j$,
$$ u = u(x_1, x_2, \dots, x_n) $$
and each $x_j$ is a function of $m$ variables $t_k$,
$$ x_j = x_j(t_1, t_2, \dots, t_m) $$
Then the $m$ first order partial derivatives of $u$ with respect to each $t_k$ is given by
$$ \pypx[t_k]{u} = \pypx[x_1]{u}\pypx[t_k]{x_1} + \pypx[x_2]{u}\pypx[t_k]{x_2} + \dots + \pypx[x_n]{u}\pypx[t_k]{x_n} $$
for $k=1,2,\dots,m$.
Write out the chain rule for the case where $z = f(x,y)$ and $x = x(u,v,w)$, and $y = y(u,v,w)$. We will apply Theorem 4 using $n=2$ and $m=3$.
\pypx[u]{z} &= \pypx{z}\pypx[u]{x} + \pypx[y]{z}\pypx[u]{y} \\
\pypx[v]{z} &= \pypx{z}\pypx[v]{x} + \pypx[y]{z}\pypx[v]{y} \\
\pypx[w]{z} &= \pypx{z}\pypx[w]{x} + \pypx[y]{z}\pypx[w]{y} \\
Consider the function $z = x^2y^2$, where $x = r^2 + s^2$ and $y = 2rs$. Compute the
second partial derivative
of $z$ with respect to $r$.
\pypx[r]{z} &= \pypx{z}\pypx[r]{x} + \pypx[y]{z}\pypx[r]{y} \\ \\
&= \left(2xy^2\right)\left(2r\right) + \left(2x^2y\right)\left(2s\right) \\ \\
&= 4r\left(r^2 + s^2\right)\left(2rs\right)^2 + 4s\left(r^2 + s^2\right)^2\left(2rs\right) \\ \\
&= 16r^3s^2\left(r^2 + s^2\right) + 8rs^2\left(r^2 + s^2\right)^2 \\ \\
&= 8rs^2\left(r^2 + s^2\right)\left(2r^2 + r^2 + s^2 \right) \\ \\
&= 8rs^2\left(r^2 + s^2\right)\left(3r^2 + s^2\right) \\ \\
\dfrac{\partial^2 z}{\partial r^2} &= \pypx[r]{}\left(\pypx[r]{z}\right) = \pypx[r]{} \left(\pypx{z}\pypx[r]{x} + \pypx[y]{z}\pypx[r]{y} \right) \\
&= \dfrac{\partial}{\partial r}\left[8rs^2\left(r^2 + s^2\right)\left(3r^2 + s^2\right)\right] \\ \\
&= 8s^2\left(r^2 + s^2\right)\left(3r^2 + s^2\right) + 16r^2s^2\left(3r^2 + s^2\right) + 48r^2s^2\left(r^2 + s^2\right) \\ \\
&= 8s^2\left(r^2 + s^2\right)\left(3r^2 + s^2\right) + 96r^4s^2 + 64r^2s^4 \\ \\
&= 8s^2\left(r^2 + s^2\right)\left(3r^2 + s^2\right) + 32r^2s^2\left(3r^2 + 2s^2\right)
We are now in a position to more naturally explain implicit differentiation. Suppose that we have a function of two variables,
z = F(x,y)
and we consider the level set $F(x,y) = k$ for some real number $k$. This gives us an equation that implicitly defines $y$ as a function of $x$, $F(x,f(x)) = k$. The chain rule tells us that
\pypx{z} = \pypx{F}\dydx{x} + \pypx[y]{F}\dydx{y} = 0
since the derivative of a constant with respect to $x$ is zero. Clearly $\dydx{x}=1$. Thus if $\pypx[y]{F}\neq 0$ we have the following theorem.
Theorem 14.5.5 ¶
Implicit Differentiation
Suppose that $z = F(x,y)$ is a differentiable function of two variables on a disk containing the point $(a,b)$ so that both $F_x$ and $F_y$ are continuous, and $\dfrac{\partial F}{\partial y}\neq 0$ on this disk. Then the level set $F(x,y)=k$ implicitly defines a function $y=f(x)$ so that $F(x,f(x))=k$ and at the point $(a,b)$ this implicit function is differentiable with
$$ \dydx{y} = -\dfrac{\pypx{F}}{\pypx[y]{F}} = -\dfrac{F_x}{F_y} $$
Notice that the first order partials $F_x$ and $F_y$ must both be continuous and $F_y\neq 0$ on a disk containing the point $(a,b)$ where $F$ is differentiable. If the implicit function $F(x,y)=k$ is implicitly differentiable at every point in the interior of the disk, then we say that the implicit function is differentiable on the disk .
We can use these same conditions to implicitly compute partial derivatives.
Theorem 14.5.6 ¶
The Implicit Function Theorem
If $z = F(x_1, x_2, \dots, x_n)$ is a differentiable function of $n$ variables inside an $n$-sphere containing point $(a_1, a_2, \dots, a_n)$, and all $n$ partial derivatives $\pypx[x_1]{F}$, $\pypx[x_2]{F}$, $\dots$, $\pypx[x_n]{F}$ are continuous and $\pypx[x_k]{F}\neq 0$ inside this sphere; then the level set $F(x_1, x_2, \dots, x_n) = 0$ defines an implicit function of $x_k$ in terms of the other $n-1$ variables and
$$ \pypx[x_j]{x_k} = -\dfrac{\pypx[x_k]{F}}{\pypx[x_j]{F}} = -\dfrac{F_{x_k}}{F_{x_j}} $$
for all $1\le k\neq j\le n$.
Consider the equation $w = F(x,y,z) = x^3 + y^3 + z^3 - 6xyz = 1$. Find $\pypx[x]{z}$ and $\pypx[y]{z}$.
The equation $x^3 = y^3 + z^3 - 6xyz = 1$ defines a three dimensional
in $\mathbb{R}^4$.
\pypx{F} &= \pypx{w} = 3x^2 - 6yz \\
\pypx[y]{F} &= \pypx[y]{w} = 3y^2 - 6xz \\
\pypx[z]{F} &= \pypx[z]{w} = 3z^2 - 6xy
$F_x$, $F_y$, and $F_z$ are all continuous on all of $\mathbb{R}^3$ since they are polynomials. If $F_z=0$, then
0 &= 3z^2 - 6xy \\
0 &= z^2 - 2xy \\
z^2 &= 2xy \\
For any points
on the surface $z^2=2xy$, the equation $x^3 + y^3 + z^3 - 6xy - 1 = 0$ implicitly defines $z$ as a function of $x$ and $y$ such that
\pypx{z} &= -\dfrac{F_x}{F_z} = -\dfrac{3x^2-6yz}{3z^2-6xy} = -\dfrac{x^2-2yz}{z^2-2xy} \\
\pypx[y]{z} &= -\dfrac{F_y}{F_z} = -\dfrac{3y^2-6xz}{3z^2-6xy} = -\frac{y^2-2xz}{z^2-2xy}
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