Methods in numerical integration arise from the definition of the Riemann Integral
\displaystyle\int_a^b\,f(t)\,dt = \displaystyle\lim_{n\rightarrow\infty} \displaystyle\sum_{k=1}^n f(x_k^*)\Delta x
The Riemann Sum
\displaystyle\sum_{k=1}^n f(x_k^*)\Delta x
is an approximation of the
area under the curve
obtained by
the interval $[a,b]$ into $n$ non-overlapping subintervals $[x_k, x_{k+1}]$
a = x_0 < x_1 < x_2 < \dots < x_{n-1} < x_n = b
whose union is all of $[a,b]$.
choosing a value $x_k^*\in[x_k, x_{k+1}]$ for $1\le k \le n$.
evaluating the integrand $f(x)$ at each chosen point to obtain a height of $n$ rectangles.
computing the areas of each rectangle $f(x_k^*)\Delta x$, where $\Delta x = \left(\frac{b-a}{n}\right)$
summing the areas of the rectangles to obtain the approximation.
riemannsum(@(x) cos(x), 0, pi/4, 10, 'l', 'b', 'FaceAlpha', .7)
function used for this notebook can choose the value in each interval of the partition
x_k^*\in[x_k, x_{k+1}]
utilizing one of several methods.
method = [ 'l', 'r', 'm', 's', 't' ];
name = { 'left sum', 'right sum', 'middle sum', 'Riemann sum', 'trapezoid rule'};
for k=1:5
riemannsum(@(x) cos(x), 0, pi/4, 10, method(k), 'b');
Computing the cost or accuracy of these methods of computing Riemann sums depends on the shape of the integrand function. However we can compare the convergence of each method for the same function.
fprintf('%14s %18s %19s %18s %19s\n', ...
'Left Sum', 'Right Sum', 'Middle Sum', 'Riemann Sum', 'Trapezoid Rule')
f = @(x) cos(x);
results = zeros(50,5);
for k=1:4:201
results(k,:) = [ riemannsum(f, 0, pi/2, k, 'l'), ...
riemannsum(f, 0, pi/2, k, 'r'), ...
riemannsum(f, 0, pi/2, k, 'm'), ...
riemannsum(f, 0, pi/2, k, 's'), ...
riemannsum(f, 0, pi/2, k, 't') ];
fprintf('%18.16f %18.16f %18.16f %18.16f %18.16f\n', results(k,:))
As we can see, the left sum and right sum do not converge to the limit as quickly as the midpoint sum and trapezoid rule converge.
Approximating the area with rectangles and trapezoids becomes less accurate with functions that vary their curvature a great deal over our interval of integration $[a,b]$.
f = @(x) sin(x)./x;
riemannsum(f, pi/64, 3*pi, 1000, 't', 'b')
version of
first computes $I_1$ the Riemann sum using only one subinterval $[a,b]$
this it recursively completes the following for interval $[a,b]$ passing estimate $I_1$
next computes the Riemann sum for both $\left[a, \frac{a+b}{2}\right]$, $I_2$ and $\left[\frac{a+b}{2}, b\right]$, $I_3$.
the algorithm compares the values of $|I_1 - (I_2 + I_3)| < $ tolerance.
if the values are with the specified tolerance of each other the area approximation is $I_2 + I_3$, otherwise it invokes step 3 twice
recursion continues until a maximum recursion depth is achieved and a warning issued, or the desired estimate is computed.
Adaptive algorithms can be accurate, and efficient. Adaptive methods will accept estimates on wide subintervals over which the function is featureless and continuous. It will only require smaller subintervals where the function is steep or irregular. However they should be used cautiously.
Adaptive methods can be very inefficient if the integrand has a discontinuity in the interval of integration because unnecessary subdivision will occur. One should start out by breaking up such regions into subintervals so that discontinuities occur between subintervals.
so that the function
has arguments
function area = riemannsum(f, a, b, n, method, tolerance, c, varargin)
riemannsum computes and graphs the Riemann sum of an integrable function
f, on an interval [a,b] using n equal rectangular polygons.
f a handle to an integrable function
a left end point of interval of integration
b right end point of interval of integration
n the maximum depth of recursion
method the method for computing the Riemann sum is a single character
string chosen from 'l','r','m','s','t' for
'left sum', 'right sum', 'middle sum', 'random', 'trapezoid'
option 's' chooses a pseudo-random value in each interval of
the partition of [a,b].
tolerance the required acceptable error in the computation of the area
c color must be a single character string chosen from the list
'r','g','b','c','m','y','w','k', or
an RGB row vector triple, [r g b], the rectangles are
filled with the constant specified color.
varargin the variable argument list modifies one or more Name,Value
argument pairs to set the patch properties of the filled
rectangles of the graph. For example
FaceColor - this is the fill color you set with C
FaceAlpha - alpha blending the faces for transparency [0,1]
EdgeColor - an RGB row vector triple line color specification
LineStyle - for plotting edges
area the area between the curve and the x-axis
You can find the source to
. You are adding an new argument
to use to stop the algorithm instead of the number of intervals. You are changing the meaning the input argument
from the number of subintervals to the
maximum recursion depth
You will need to make some simple modifications to the main function
along with the addition of the
should be
in the main body to set up the computation, you want to change this to instead call your own function that controls the recursion. For you assignment, you are permitted to ignore the graphing features and completing the assignment should be possible without you interacting with
at all.
to find the area, passing it the correct arguments to return area values. The recursion process will be controlled entirely by this function, which will call both
and itself (name it what you would like) recursively. It should follow the algorithm described above.
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